1.In terms of time, the natural process taking hundreds of thousands of years or millions of years has been shortened to less than 2 hours.
2.Going in and out of a relative balance is a natural process that happens constantly throughout the cycle of life.
3.It proved that the change of eco-environment was not a natural process only, and it had close relationship with human being.
4.Therefore, from essentially said that, the hot system of forces tends to the balance is the natural process direction.
5.It's part of a natural process, but it's pretty exciting to be here and actually observe it while it happens.
6.Coping with grief following perinatal death is a natural process that every inpidual experiences in his own personal and unique way.
7.And the heavier oxygen from a natural process that left more of the light isotope in the part of the nebula that made the sun.
8.It is no longer seen as a natural process which encourages offers of help from friendly hands, but as a failure.
9.The main target of this study is to discuss the connection and interaction between natural process and urban water-space.
10.eg: He also conceived that the solar system and the universe had come into existence by a natural process and would disappear one day.